How to stop /list from spamming your servers console

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Here at Host Havoc we use a panel called Multicraft in order to allow you as the customer to manage your Minecraft services. A lot of users have mentioned they do not like the /list command be spammed constantly which is caused by Multicraft. Luckily this is easily fixable for users on a Bukkit-based server like Spigot, Paper, PurPur etc.

We recommend users install a plugin called "Console Spam Fix". This plugin will allow you to set any messages that usually appear in the console by removing them.

Installing the Plugin

  1. First you'll want to stop the server.
  2. Download the Console Spam Fix plugin by going to
  3. In the Multicraft Panel click Files
  4. Click FTP File Access
  5. Login to the FTP
  6. Open the plugins folder (If one does not exist create one)
  7. Upload the plugin JAR file in the plugins folder.
  8. Once done you can start the server.

Configuring the Plugin

  1. Stop the server.
  2. Click Files
  3. Click FTP File Access
  4. Login to the FTP
  5. Open the plugins folder
  6. Open the ConsoleSpamFix folder
  7. Edit the Config.yml
  8. After the part that says "Messages-To-Hide-Filter:" type below it 
    - 'There are'
  9. Click Save
  10. Start the server.
  11. This will stop the /list command from going into the console.

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