How to add OPs (operators) to your Minecraft server

  • Minecraft, Op
  • 1

In this article, we will be covering the process of adding OPs (operators) to your Minecraft server.
Method one:
1. Log into the Multicraft control panel.
2. Open your service in the control panel.
3. On the left-hand side, click 'Console'.
4. Click the text box below the console, and enter the "op" command along with your username. Example: op YourMinecraftUsernameGoesHere
You should now immediately be an OP in-game, no restart is required!
Method two:
1. Log into the Multicraft control panel.
2. Open your service in the control panel.
3. On the left-hand side, click 'Files' > 'Config Files'.
4. Find "operators.json" and click it.
5. Make the necessary edits to the file, as detailed below:
An example of a valid operators.json file would be:
    "uuid": "Your-UUID-here",
    "name": "minecraftusername1",
    "level": 4
    "uuid": "Another-UUID-here",
    "name": "minecraftusername2",
    "level": 4

Minecraft Permission Levels

level 1 (moderator) - Player can bypass spawn protection.
level 2 (gamemaster) - Player or executor can use more commands and player can use command blocks.
level 3 (admin) - Player or executor can use commands related to multiplayer management.
level 4 (owner) - Player or executor can use all of the commands, including commands related to server management.

You will need to replace the values with your names and with your UUID. There are numerous ways to find a UUID. Mojang provides an official API to find one by simply providing a display name. Take this URL below, and change the end where it reads "Username" to your actual Minecraft name:

The link will then provide you with your full UUID.
Once you've edited the file accordingly, save it and you should be all good to go!

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