This guide will go over setting up the plugin version of Geyser to run with Spigot.
Download the latest spigot build from
Download the latest geyser spigot plugin (Geyser-Spigot.jar)
Setup Spigot to load on the server
Rename the Spigot-1.XX.jar file to be custom-java-17.jar
Upload the custom-java-17.jar to the main directory of your server using an FTP client
Select the CUSTOM JAR FILE (MINECTRAFT 1.18.X) option in the JAR File option in your Minecraft servers control panel
Accept the Minecraft EULA in the server's control panel by clicking the Accept EULA button.
Start the server and let it fully load up.
Once the server is online, stop it.
Install Geyser Plugin
Create a new folder in your main/root directory named plugins
It must be all lowercase letters
You can create the folder from within your FTP client or from the Minecraft control panel by going to the Files tab on the right, click on FTP access, sign in, then click on New Dir
Upload the Geyser-Spigot.jar to the plugins folder using an FTP client.
Start the server back up and let it fully load. This will generate the config files for the geyser plugin.
Stop the server again.
Edit Geyser Config File
Click on the Files tab on the right-hand side of your server's control panel, click on FTP access and then login.
Open the 'plugins' folder
Then open the 'Geyser-Spigot' folder
look for the config.yml file and press the edit button for it on the right-hand side.
edit the 'clone-remote-port' option to be true
This will make it so the java and bedrock ports are the same.
Ensure the 'address' option is set to auto under the remote setting of the file. (It should be auto by default)
edit the 'auth-type' option to be auto
Click Save
Start the server back up
Optional Floodgate setup
If you wish to set up floodgate to allow bedrock players to join without owning the java version of the game follow these steps
Download the latest Floodgate spigot plugin (floodgate-spigot.jar)
Stop your server
Use an FTP client to upload the floodgate-spigot.jar to the 'plugins' folder on your server
Start the server back up
If you wish to join from one of the console versions of the game, it is recommended to follow the joining guides here