How to rollback your data using a backup on your Valheim server

  • rollback, backup, Valheim
  • 206

If you landed on this article, you're likely trying to roll your server back to a previous save on your Valheim service


Method 1: Manual Save Rename

These are the steps to manually roll back the World save data.

Step 1: Log into your game control panel and navigate to your server's control panel

Step 2: Stop your server

Step 3: Click the File Manager icon  and navigate to the worlds_local folder

Step 4: Look for your current world's main save file, by default this is savegame.db. If you changed the world name option in your command line, you would look for the main .db file with that worlds name.

Step 5: Rename the save file to something else (example: oldsavegame.db)

Step 6: Next, find a backup save that you want to roll back to. It would be labeled with the worlds name and have a timestamp in the file name. (example: savegame_backup_auto-20230422023443.db)

The Timestamp code is YearMonthDayTime

Step 7: Rename the backup save so it has the name of the main save file, (example: renaming savegame_backup_auto-20230422023443.db to be savegame.db)


Method 2: Automated Save Rename

These are the steps to automatically roll back the World save data.

Step 1: Log into your game control panel and navigate to your server's control panel

Step 2: Stop your server

Step 3: Click the [...More] button in the server's control panel.

Step 4: Click the 'Backup Save File Renamer' script

Step 5: Select A backup save file in the dropdown list to have renamed, Then press the Run option.

This will look for your current world's main save file, rename it, and then rename the backup save you selected to take its place.

The Timestamp code is YearMonthDayTime

Method 3: Control Panel Backup Restore

Step 1: Log into our TCAdmin control panel

Step 2: View your game service

Step 3: Stop your server

Step 4: Click the 'Restore Backup' Icon in your server's control panel.

Step 5: Select a backup in the dropdown menu to restore.

Step 6: Press the Run option.

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