How to enable Floating Damage, Force Allow Cave Flyers, or change Override Official Difficulty

  • Ark, Floating Damage, Cave Flyers, Overide Official Difficulty
  • 9

There are two ways to enable Floating Damage, Force Allow Cave Flyers, or change the Override Offical Difficulty settings.

Method 1 (Predefined Command Line):

1. Log into our game control panel and access your game server.
2. Click the "Command Line Manager" button.
3. Click "Selected" on the right-hand side of the command line you have selected to edit the command line. (If you do not have a command line selected yet click "Select" on the right-hand side of the command line for the map you want to use to edit the command line.)
4. To enable Floating Damage just check the box next to "ShowFloatingDamageText", to enable Force Allow Cave Flyers just check the box next to "Force Allow Cave Flyers", and to change Override Offical Difficulty just change the value in the box provided for the "Override Official Difficulty" setting.
5. Save the Command Line.

Method 2 (Custom Command Line):

1. Log into our game control panel and access your game server.
2. Click the "Command Line Manager" button.
3. Click the "Custom Commandlines" tab
4. Click New.
5. In the "Server Map" section make sure to enter the name of the map you are currently running or want to run. (
6. To enable Floating Damage just check the box next to "ShowFloatingDamageText", to enable Force Allow Cave Flyers just check the box next to "Force Allow Cave Flyers", and to change Override Offical Difficulty just change the value in the box provided for the "Override Official Difficulty" setting. (These settings will be mid to bottom of the custom command line.)
7. Save the Command Line.
8. Click "Select" on the right-hand side of the page.

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