How to setup mods for your Insurgency: Sandstorm server Print

  • Insurgency: Sandstorm, Mods
  • 5

The following article will provide you with the steps needed to use mods on your Insurgency: Sandstorm server host by Host Havoc Setup
Mods are delivered using To get started, you will need a account. Once you have signed in, click your username at the top right, and click API Access from the left navigation.OAuth management page

Under OAuth 2 Management, under Generate Access Token, enter a name to give your token and give it read access (write access is not needed) and click Create Token.
Generated token
You will be presented with your auth token, you may copy this to your clipboard. In your server's GameUserSettings.ini replace the "TOKEN HERE" portion with the token that was generated. This can be done either via the Text Editor manually or with the Config Editor. Once added, click on save. Next, you will want to navigate to the commandline manager within your game panel and create a commandline. In this section, be sure that the Mods checkbox is checked.

Adding Mods
To add mods, you will want to navigate to and find mods that you'd like to use. On the pages for the mods that you'd like to use, you will need the mod ID so that the mods can be downloaded to your server. You will need to take note of these mod IDs.

Once you have all of the IDs for the mods that you would like to use on the server, you will open the Mods.txt via the Configuration Files section of your game panel. Here, you will add each of the mod IDs one per line.

Once added, click on Save & Exit.

If your mod requires mutators, they can generally be found on that mods page with the needed name for the mutator.
Once you have taken note of the mutators name, you can open your Commandline Manager and add the mutators to the Mutators section separated by a comma and then save.

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