How to upload workshop content to your Unturned server

  • Unturned, Workshop Content
  • 622

In this article, we'll be going over the process of uploading Steam Workshop content to your service.

The process is as follows:
Step 1: Navigate to the Unturned Steam Workshop.
Step 2: Subscribe to the mods that you would like added to your server.
Step 3: Locate the mods that you have subscribed to on your pc. These can typically be found in "SteamLibrary\SteamApps\workshop\content\304930".
NOTE* 304930 is Unturned's ID. You'll see numbered folders in that folder. These are the workshop mods.
Step 4: Upload your subscribed mods via FTP to this location on your server >Unturnedservershh>Workshop>content. Instructions on using FTP can be found here.
Step 5: Restart your server.

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