Here is a list of available server settings for Palworld servers.
Parameter |
Description |
Difficulty |
Adjusts the overall difficulty of the game. |
DayTimeSpeedRate |
Modifies the speed of in-game time during the day. |
NightTimeSpeedRate |
Modifies the speed of in-game time during the night. |
ExpRate |
Changes the experience gain rate for both players and creatures. |
PalCaptureRate |
Adjusts the rate at which Pal creatures can be captured. |
PalSpawnNumRate |
Adjusts the rate at which Pal creatures spawn. |
PalDamageRateAttack |
Fine-tunes Pal creature damage dealt. |
PalDamageRateDefense |
Fine-tunes Pal creature damage received. |
PlayerDamageRateAttack |
Fine-tunes player damage dealt. |
PlayerDamageRateDefense |
Fine-tunes player damage received. |
PlayerStomachDecreaseRate |
Adjusts the rate at which the player's stomach decreases. |
PlayerStaminaDecreaseRate |
Adjusts the rate at which the player's stamina decreases. |
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate |
Adjusts the rate of automatic player health regeneration. |
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep |
Adjusts the rate of automatic player health regeneration during sleep. |
PalStomachDecreaseRate |
Adjusts the rate at which Pal creature stomach decreases. |
PalStaminaDecreaseRate |
Adjusts the rate at which Pal creature stamina decreases. |
PalAutoHPRegeneRate |
Adjusts the rate of automatic Pal creature health regeneration. |
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep |
Adjusts the rate of automatic Pal creature health regeneration during sleep. |
BuildObjectDamageRate |
Adjusts the rate at which built objects take damage. |
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate |
Adjusts the rate at which built objects deteriorate. |
CollectionDropRate |
Adjusts the drop rate of collected items. |
CollectionObjectHpRate |
Adjusts the health of collected objects. |
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate |
Adjusts the respawn speed of collected objects. |
EnemyDropItemRate |
Adjusts the drop rate of items from defeated enemies. |
DeathPenalty |
Defines the penalty upon player death (e.g., All, None). |
bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage |
Enables or disables player-to-player damage. |
bEnableFriendlyFire |
Enables or disables friendly fire. |
bEnableInvaderEnemy |
Enables or disables invader enemies. |
bActiveUNKO |
Activates or deactivates UNKO (Unidentified Nocturnal Knock-off). |
bEnableAimAssistPad |
Enables or disables aim assist for controllers. |
bEnableAimAssistKeyboard |
Enables or disables aim assist for keyboards. |
DropItemMaxNum |
Sets the maximum number of dropped items in the game. |
DropItemMaxNum_UNKO |
Sets the maximum number of dropped UNKO items in the game. |
BaseCampMaxNum |
Sets the maximum number of base camps that can be built. |
BaseCampWorkerMaxNum |
Sets the maximum number of workers in a base camp. |
DropItemAliveMaxHours |
Sets the maximum time items remain alive after being dropped. |
bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers |
Automatically resets guilds with no online players. |
AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers |
Sets the time after which guilds with no online players are automatically reset. |
GuildPlayerMaxNum |
Sets the maximum number of players in a guild. |
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime |
Sets the default hatching time for Pal eggs. |
WorkSpeedRate |
Adjusts the overall work speed in the game. |
bIsMultiplay |
Enables or disables multiplayer mode. |
bIsPvP |
Enables or disables player versus player (PvP) mode. |
bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop |
Enables or disables the pickup of death penalty drops from other guilds. |
bEnableNonLoginPenalty |
Enables or disables non-login penalties. |
bEnableFastTravel |
Enables or disables fast travel. |
bIsStartLocationSelectByMap |
Enables or disables the selection of starting locations on the map. |
bExistPlayerAfterLogout |
Enables or disables the existence of players after logout. |
bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer |
Enables or disables the defense of other guild players. |
CoopPlayerMaxNum |
Sets the maximum number of cooperative players in a session. |
ServerPlayerMaxNum |
Sets the maximum number of players allowed on the server. |
ServerName |
Sets the name of the Palworld server. |
ServerDescription |
Provides a description for the Palworld server. |
AdminPassword |
Sets the password for server administration. |
ServerPassword |
Sets the password for joining the Palworld server. |
PublicPort |
Sets the public port for the Palworld server. |
PublicIP |
Sets the public IP address for the Palworld server. |
RCONEnabled |
Enables or disables Remote Console (RCON) for server administration. |
RCONPort |
Sets the port for Remote Console (RCON) communication. |
Region |
Sets the region for the Palworld server. |
bUseAuth |
Enables or disables server authentication. |
BanListURL |
Sets the URL for the server's ban list. |
Please note these settings could be changed or removed by the developers and at any time could be placeholders for future updates.