The following article will cover the steps needed to add admins on your DeadPoly Server Hosted By Host Havoc.
Acquire the PlayerID of the user you wish to add as an admin
Ways to find this ID
- When in game open the inventory, click on TRUSTS , then copy your My ID from here (upcoming update will allow copying the text here to be able to paste into the config)
- Server logs contain this information and are found here DeadPoly > Saved > Logs , in the file you can open in Notepad or another text document, and search "Login request" to find a Steam name, the "ReadpointEOS" will be the players ID for config use
Adding the user as Admin
1. Log into your game panel.
2. Stop your service if it is running.
3. Click on in your game panel and then click on either the
for the Game.ini file.
4. Add the PlayerID to the Admins=""; option in the file
5. Save the changes.
Legacy Version of DeadPoly
1. Log into your game panel.
2. Stop your service if it is running.
3. Click on in your game panel and then click on either the
for the Engine.ini file.
4. Locate the Admins section and replace the numeric portion of one of the admins= sections with your Steam64 ID and then click on
To add more than two admins, you can copy and paste additional lines and then follow the above steps.
To locate your Steam64 ID, you can use a tool such as this or view your web console while logging in.