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7 Days to Die Console Commands and Usage

by Clay B.

Welcome to our comprehensive resource on console commands for your 7 Days to Die server! Whether you're an experienced server administrator or new to managing your own game world, console commands are invaluable tools that can greatly enhance your server management and gameplay. These commands give you the power to control various aspects of your game, from player management to world customization, all with a few keystrokes.

Picture being able to instantly teleport to any location, spawn vital resources in a moment of need, or adjust the game environment to create unique challenges and experiences. Console commands make all of this possible, offering you the flexibility to tailor the game to your exact preferences. This resource will cover everything you need to know, from accessing the console to using basic and advanced commands effectively.

Explore how you can streamline server operations, customize gameplay, and address issues efficiently. This detailed resource will equip you with the knowledge to fully utilize console commands, transforming your 7 Days to Die server into a dynamic and engaging environment. Let's get started on maximizing the potential of your server with the power of console commands!

How to use console commands in 7 Days to Die

Accessing the console command window in 7 Days to Die is simple:

  • Press the F1 key on your keyboard to open up the console.
  • Type your command and press enter. Refer to the full list of commands below.

Assigning Admins to Your Server

Many of these 7D2D console commands require admin-level permissions within the server. If you do not yet have admin rights, please check out our detailed instructions on assigning admins on your 7 Days to Die server.

List of 7 Days to Die Console Commands

We've categorized the commands below based on the type of command.

Spawning & XP Commands

Command Description Example
giveself [item id] [quality 1-6] Give yourself the specified item with a quality level. See below for item IDs. giveself gunPistol 6
spawnsupplycrate Spawn a supply crate at your current position spawnsupplycrate
spawnairdrop Spawn an airdrop at your current position spawnairdrop
spawnentity [player id] [entity id] Spawns an entity at the specified player's position. Use listplayerids to find player IDs. spawnentity 101 zombieJoe
givexp [playerid] [xp amount] Gives a specified player XP givexp 101 50
giveselfxp [xp amount] Gives yourself XP giveselfxp 50
givequest [quest] Assigns a specific quest to the player givequest quest_tier1
removequest Removes a quest from the player removequest

Admin Commands

Command Description Example
admin add [player id] [perm level] Add a player as an admin. Use range of 0-1000 for perms. admin add 101 500
admin remove [player id] Removes a player as an admin admin remove 101
ban add [player id] [time] [unit] Bans a player for a specified time. ban add 101 7 day
ban remove [player id] Removes a ban ban remove 101
ban list Lists current bans ban list
kick [player id] [message] Kicks a player kick 101 bye
kickall [message] Kick all players kickall bye
whitelist add [player id] Adds a player to whitelist. Note: this will enable the whitelist on your server and prevent non-whitelisted users from joining. whitelist add 101
whitelist remove [player id] Removes a player from the whitelist. whitelist remove 101
say [message] Sends a message to all players. say Welcome to the server!
saveworld Saves the current world. saveworld
shutdown Shuts down the server. shutdown
cp add [command] [level] Adds a command permission level to a player. cp add command1 1000
cp list Lists all command permissions. cp list
cp remove [command] Removes a command permission. cp remove command1
loglevel [loglevel name] [true/false] Sets logging level for the server. loglevel INF true
exportcurrentconfigs Exports current server configuration. exportcurrentconfigs
exportitemicons Exports icons for items. exportitemicons

Teleportation Commands

Command Description Example
teleport [player id] Teleports you to the specified player ID teleport 101
teleport [player1 id] [player2 id] Teleports one player to another teleport 101 102
teleportplayer [player id] [coords] Teleports a player to specified coordinates teleportplayer 101 -100 3000

Buff Commands

Command Description Example
buff [buff id] Applies a buff to yourself buff buffRedTea
debuff [buff id] Removes a buff from yourself debuff buffRedTea
buffplayer [player id] [buff id] Buff a specified player buff 101 buffRedTea
debuffplayer [player id] [buff id] Removes buff from a specified player debuff 101 buffRedTea
exhausted A player becomes exhausted exhausted
thirsty A player becomes thirsty thirsty
starve A player becomes starved starve

Weather Commands

Command Description Example
weather [weather id] Changes the weather to the specified type weather rain
weatherrandom Enables or disables random weather changes weatherrandom
showclouds Shows cloud coverage or settings showclouds

Game Management Commands

Command Description Example
gamestage [player id] [value] Sets the game stage for a player gamestage 101 50
settime [day] [hour] [minute] Sets the current time in the game settime 10 12 30
time Shows the current game time time
gettime Displays current game time gettime
settime [day/night] Sets the current time of day or night settime night

Player Management Commands

Command Description Example
listplayers Lists all players connected to the server listplayers
listplayerids Displays all player IDs on the server listplayerids
setplayerstat [stat] [value] Sets a player’s stat to the specified value setplayerstat food 100
settempunit [c or f] Changes the temperature unit settempunit f
updatelighton [name/player id/steam id] Updates the lighting for a specific player updatelighton 101

Creative Mode Commands

Command Description Example
cm Toggles creative mode cm
creativemenu Opens the creative menu creativemenu

Entity Management Commands

Command Description Example
killall Kills all entities killall
kill [player id] Kills a specified player kill 101
se or spawnentity [playerid] [entityid] Spawns an entity at a player’s location se 101 zombie
spawnscouts Spawns a group of scout zombies spawnscouts
spawnwh Spawns a wandering horde spawnwh

Debugging & Development Commands

Command Description Example
ai pathgrid Toggles the AI path grid visualization ai pathgrid
ai pathlines Shows AI pathfinding lines ai pathlines
aiddebug Displays AI debugging information aiddebug
albedo or showalbedo Toggles albedo rendering mode albedo
cc or chunkcache Shows chunk cache information cc
clear Clears the console output clear
deathscreen [on/off] Enables or disables the death screen deathscreen off
dm or debugmenu [on/off] Enables or disables the debug menu dm on
gfx af [0 or 1] Toggles anisotropic filtering gfx af 1
gfx dti Displays dynamic terrain information gfx dti
gfx dtpix Displays terrain pixel information gfx dtpix
gg or getgamepref Displays current game preferences gg
ggs or getgamestat Displays current game stats ggs
help [command] Shows help for a specified command help teleport
le or listents Lists all entities le
lgs or loggamestate [message] [true/false] Logs the current game state lgs gamestate true
lights Toggles light sources lights
llp or listlandclaim Lists all land claims llp
mem Displays memory usage mem
memcl Displays client memory usage memcl
norms or shownormals Displays normals of objects norms
pplist Lists player prefabs pplist
rcd or repairchunkdensity [x] [z] [fix] Repairs chunk density at specific coordinates rcd 0 0 fix
sc or showchunkdata Displays data about game chunks sc
sg or setgamepref [preference] [value] Sets a game preference sg daylightlength 18
sgs or setgamestat [stat] [value] Sets a game stat sgs kills 500
shownexthordetime Displays the time until the next Blood Moon horde shownexthordetime
sounddebug Toggles sound debugging information sounddebug
spec or showspecular Toggles specular highlights spec
spectrum [choice] Toggles between different spectrum settings spectrum 1
staticmap Displays static map data staticmap
systeminfo Displays system information systeminfo

List of 7 Days to Die Items

This blog post would've gotten quite long if we were to list all of the items here. That said, there's a great reference available on the 7 Days to Die wiki here:

Frequently Asked Questions About Console Commands for 7 Days to Die

How do I open the console in 7 Days to Die?

To open the console in 7 Days to Die, press the F1 key on your keyboard (by default).

What are the most useful basic console commands for beginners?

Here are some useful basic console commands for beginners in 7 Days to Die:

  • help: Displays all available console commands.
  • give [item] [quantity]: Spawns a specified item into your inventory. Example: give wood 100 (gives 100 wood).
  • teleport [player name] [x y z]: Teleports a player to specified coordinates.
  • spawnentity [player name] [entity id]: Spawns an entity near a player (use this with caution).
  • time set [day/hour]: Changes the in-game time to the specified day or hour.

How can I back up my server using console commands?

Backing up your server directly using console commands isn't a built-in feature, but you can manually save the state of the server and its world data. Here’s a way to do it:

  • saveworld: Use this command in the console to force-save the world data. This will back up the current progress, ensuring all changes are saved on the server.

How to use cheats in 7 Days to Die?

To enable Cheat Mode, which grants access to the Creative Menu, follow these steps:

  • Open the console by pressing F1.
  • Type the command cm and press Enter. This enables Cheat Mode.
  • Press the U key to open the Creative Menu.
  • Press the Q key to enable/disable god mode.
  • Press the H key to enable/disable flying. Use Space to go up and C to go down.

How do I enable developer mode in 7 Days to Die?

To enable Developer Mode, which grants additional tools and commands, follow these steps:

  • Open the console by pressing F1.
  • Type the command dm and press Enter. This enables Developer Mode.

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