Posted on May 25, 2024 in General

Valheim Console Commands and Item Spawn List

von Clay B.

Valheim is a popular survival game set in a Norse mythology-inspired world where players must explore, gather resources, build, and fight off various enemies to progress. Console commands in Valheim provide a powerful way to enhance your gameplay experience, from spawning items to changing the time of day. In this guide, we'll show you how to use these commands and provide a comprehensive list. This guide is current for the latest Valheim version.

How to Use Console Commands in Valheim

  • Press F5 to open the console window.
  • To enable cheats, type devcommands and press Enter. A confirmation message will appear.
  • Type your command and press Enter. Refer to the full list of commands below.

List of Valheim Console Commands

We've categorized the commands below based on the type of command.

Note: The commands below are only valid in a single player setting. To use these in your Valheim server, you must install BepInEx as well as the Server devcommands plugin. If using a server hosted by Host Havoc, you can use our one-click installer.

General Player Commands

Command Description Example
help Lists all available commands help
save Saves the current game state save
info Displays system information info
ping Shows your current ping ping
lodbias [number] Sets the LOD bias (graphics level of detail) lodbias 2
tod [0-1] Sets the time of day (0 = midnight, 0.5 = noon) tod 0.5
resetenv Resets the environment resetenv
location Shows your current coordinates location
exploremap Reveals the entire map exploremap
resetmap Resets the map exploration resetmap
pos Displays your current position coordinates pos
tame Tames all nearby tameable creatures tame

Item and Spawning Commands (Admin)

Command Description Example
spawn [item] [amount] [level] Spawns the specified item with optional amount and level spawn Wood 50 1
spawn [creature] [amount] [level] Spawns the specified creature with optional amount and level spawn Troll 2 3
itemset [name] Spawns a preset item set itemset Starter
give [item] [amount] Gives you the specified item and amount. give Iron 20
removedrops Removes all dropped items in the area removedrops

Server Administration Commands

Command Description Example
kick [player] Kicks the specified player from the server kick Player1
ban [player] Bans the specified player from the server ban Player1
unban [player] Unbans the specified player unban Player1
banned Lists all banned players banned
save Saves the current world state save
resetcharacter Resets your character data resetcharacter
resetworld Resets the world to its initial state resetworld
event [name] Starts the specified event event army_eikthyr
stopevent Stops the current event stopevent
randomevent Starts a random event randomevent
sleep Advances the game to the next day sleep

List of Valheim's Spawnable Items

This blog post would've gotten quite long if we were to list all of the items here. For a comprehensive list of items and their details, the following Valheim wiki page is very helpful:

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